Must See: Wonder Woman


Courtesy of Teaser Trailer

Christina Fazio ‘18, Staff Writer

As the weather is heating up to high 80 degrees and the air is starting to feel crisp, that only means one thing: summer is fast approaching. With summer around the corner, there is a necessity to draw up summer plans. What is summer without watching up an action-packed, dramatic heroic tale?

On Friday, June 2nd Wonder Woman is coming alive onto theater screens. Not only does this flick appropriately premiere on Marymount’s very last day of school but also is guaranteed to provide all you sailors with some female empowerment for a solid 2 hours and 55 minutes.

Wonder Woman does not just represent female empowerment to those who read the DC comics and plan on watching the movie, but she represents the idea of hope and strength which is something Marymount girls should aspire to.

The upcoming blockbuster, Wonder Woman, is set in the 20th century and is about a princess from another planet, named Diana Prince, who meets an American military soldier, Steve Trevor, who was found on her planet. She then gets to know him and he tells her about a war going on back on Earth, World War I. Diana leaves her planet with Steve and they go to London to stop help and fight in the War.

Wonder Woman is promised to bring the audience a powerful, enticing movie that provides heart and passion. According to those who watched the early screening of the summer blockbuster, many praised the film and claimed that both Chris Pine and Gal Gadot gave mesmerizing performances.

When the movie hits the screens in June, I will be sure to rush to the theaters to view what is said to be a memorable movie that does the comics justice. If you are someone who enjoys historical movies that include aspects such as World War I with a twist, or a fan of action movies, I highly suggest you watch this movie and deem whether Wonder Woman is truly wonderful.