Mr. Petrone on fatherhood and a 10k

Bianka Gravillis '17, Staff Writer

Marymount students know Mr. Petrone as a college counselor, but his son Gio knows him as a father. Mr. Petrone’s son is already 5 months and weighs 14.5 pounds. Mr. Patrone took some time to share some highlights about his son Gio.Macintosh HD:Users:biankam17:Downloads:Happy Gio 12-31-13.jpg

The origins of Gio’s name hold quite a bit of meaning. His middle name, Taddeo, is the Italian derivative of Thaddeus. ‘Giovanni’ is the Italian version of John, which was Mr. Petrone’s wife’s maternal grandfather’s name.  So, Gio is named after both of his late great-grandfathers on their maternal sides.

Furthermore, Gio has turned into Mr. Chatty! Mr. Petrone remarks, “Gio is ‘talking’ up a storm, no real words yet, but at the rate he is chattering I am sure he will have lots to say in due time.” Gio is filling his lungs with fresh oxygen and getting some vitamin D, as he absolutely loves to go outside. Also, Gio is almost crawling. Mr. Petrone jokes that it seems that the whole family is running a 10K at the end of March! (Gio in a stroller of course.) He adds, “I hope we all make it to the finish without crying.”

Of course, Marymount will be cheering them on along the way!