It’s Pretty Terrifying

Courtesy of

Myers Rodberg '19, Staff Writer

Because the horror movie, It, was recently released, I asked a fellow classmate, Emma Klein, about her thoughts and experiences watching the film. Describing it as “horrifyingly intriguing,” the movie, It, is about an evil shapeshifter that appears every 27 years. Despite her anxiety going into the movie, she was filled with a sense of comfort and excitement when the actual producer and cast members from the movie emerged from the movie theater chairs and introduced themselves.

In the town of Derry, an eerie clown named Pennywise lurks in the sewers, waiting for opportunities to attack young, innocent children. Emma is not particularly fond of movies that involve clowns, much less ones that depict them emerging from the sewers to murder people–and who can blame her? As children begin to disappear one by one, a group of teens investigates the source of these disappearances. As they discover the secrets of Pennywise, they become determined to kill him and put an end to his murders. How will it end? One must watch to find out . . . (P.S. Watch it with friends; Pennywise is known to attack those who are alone!)