Susie the Sailor


Abby McMillan, Features Section Editor

How do you stay motivated during finals season, especially when you’re under pressure?  

Finals season is coming up, and it is the final push before a nice, long, and deserving holiday break. However, with finals season looming, concerns about how to do well and managing the stress we put on ourselves can be scary. 

Everyone wants to do well on all their finals, but oftentimes, we are stronger in certain subjects over others, and the subjects we aren’t strong in can feel scary to take on during the finals season. The motivation to keep working, giving your finals everything you’ve got, often fades for a lot of students, and we have to learn to be okay with that. With the holiday season so close, setting small goals for yourself helps to stay motivated. Setting small goals, whether it be the number of hours you are going to study or staying off your phone to stay productive, helps you stay motivated as you can reward yourself after completing the goal. I have found that this method helps me stay motivated in studying for finals because the idea of curling up in a warm blanket with hot cocoa and a fun Christmas movie is too tempting. 

We often put too much pressure on ourselves during the finals season– the pressure to receive all A’s and ace every final and essay we receive. However, the reality is that does not happen for many students. We must learn to be more forgiving with ourselves and ease all the pressures which we put on ourselves and those that others may put on us. It’s easier said than done, but it is something we must all think deeply about. To help relieve the pressure we feel during the finals season, it is important to make time to take care of all of ourselves, and not just our academic selves. Whether it be spending time with family or friends, taking a walk on the beach, or baking your favorite holiday treat, it is extremely important to care for the whole of yourself and not allow the finals season to consume us. In the end, you will do well, and you will end up where you are meant to be, you just need to learn to cut yourself some slack. 

The finals season brings a lot of emotions out for students, some good and some bad. But in the end, it is important to stay motivated while allowing yourself to breathe and relieve the pressure to succeed. As a senior, I’ve experienced my fair share of finals, and I promise you, they do not control your life. Everything ends up how it’s meant to be, and let go of that control is scary but can be vital during the finals season.