A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

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Five Tips to Start the School Year Off Strong!

Juniors Cedar and Ense working hard at school. (Courtesy of Margaux Elizalde)

Sailors! The 2023-24 school year has begun, it’s time to put your nose to the books, cancel your Netflix subscription, and delete TikTok. Just kidding – follow these tips to start the school year off strong and you won’t need to do any of those things.  

Tip #1 – Fix your sleep schedule 

If you’re like me and built an unhealthy habit of staying up all night and sleeping through the day over the summer, you need to start adjusting your sleep schedule. A trick that worked for me in order to prepare for school was to start going to sleep and waking up an hour earlier until I was waking up in time for school and getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. 

Start the year strong! (Courtesy of Riley Scott)

Tip #2 – Set goals 

Setting goals helps us work more efficiently by determining what we will and will not put our time and energy into. When setting goals, I like to list my goals and then add a small description of how I can achieve them. For example, for this semester I set a goal to get better test grades. A few ways that I am able to achieve this goal are by meeting with my teachers prior to tests, forming a study group, and creating a quizlet for each test I have.  

Tip #3 – Utilize your flex periods

A motivational poster reminding you to keep calm and start strong. (Courtesy of Keepcalms.com)

Marymount gives you a flex period for a reason, utilize it! Oftentimes, I will see Freshmen watching movies during their free periods. Take it from a Junior, use your free period to meet with your teachers, finish your homework, and get ahead.

Tip #4 – Do your homework the day that it is assigned

Create a pattern of finishing your homework the night that it is assigned. By doing this you are able to manage your workload, plan your time better, and get ahead. In addition, if you struggle with a particular assignment you have time to meet with your teacher. 

Tip #5 – Take care of yourself

Oftentimes, students will neglect their mental and physical health to prioritize their school work. The truth is that taking care of yourself and feeling good should always be the top priority, and by doing this you will likely even perform better in school.