Being committed to taking care of your body is a great feat and one that you should be ready to take on! This year you can create routines and habits that will last and provide you with a body fit and able for the years to come. So much to do but unsure where to start? This article will thoroughly break down where to start and what to do.

To start, find some simple overall goals you want to accomplish such as: exercising more, eating healthier, sleeping better, or simply drinking more water. Now that you have an overall goal, dive deeper into what makes this possible. To exercise more, find a type of exercise you enjoy, schedule time to workout, and find a motivational buddy to keep you in check. If eating healthier appeals to you; then start by planning weekly meals, buy what you want to eat, don’t starve yourself of cravings, and remember that balance is key to eating healthy. If your goal is to sleep better; set a bedtime for you to stick to, try not to be on your phone 30 minutes before you sleep, finish your tasks before you sleep, and create a list of plans for your next day. To drink more water; set a number amount of how much you want to drink, drink water with your meals, and simply start your day with water. Those huge tasks, that seemed daunting, were easily broken down into smaller steps to build up that good habit. This can be done with any goal you want to achieve, as long as you stay consistent and eager to take care of yourself.

To fully implement and create a habit you need to repeat it for 21 days. Scheduling time makes us more likely to complete those tasks and build those new habits. Don’t forget when on this journey to establish beneficial habits and routines that balance is key to truly being successful and healthy. Don’t go overboard with creating a “healthy” life instead create a balanced and enjoyable life.
*you can find tons of free daily planners, fitness planners, etc. online