As the school year begins to ramp up and we enter into finals season, it is important to take time for yourself for self-care during this stressful time. Taking care of yourself during these important exams is essential to your academic success, as well as your mental well-being and stability. Here are some self-care tips for finals season!
1. Sleep!
Sleep is the most important thing you can do while cramming for exams. Sleep always your brain to retain information, which is essential for your academic success during finals season. So if you think you are studying better with no sleep, remember that sleep allows your brain to understand material better! Additionally, sleep helps balance your stress hormones, leading to better mental health and emotional stability!
2. Take Breaks!

When studying for massive exams like finals, it might seem like you have to study continuously and cannot take any breaks. Yet, breaks allow your brain to soak in information and truly retain it. Additionally, breaks to get a snack or talk to your friends allow you to rest and not feel overwhelmed!!
3. Create a plan!!
Creating a study plan will allow you to stay organized and allow you to set proper time to cover all materials that will be tested. Setting up a study schedule will allow you to stay organized and lessen stress as you will not be confused, overwhelmed, or scrambling! Also, creating a study schedule will allow you to study more effectively, and therefore, improve scores on finales!
4. Meditate!

Taking a meditation break to attempt to focus and calm yourself can help clear your mind from stress. Taking a 5 – 10 minute meditation can allow you to set goals and free your mind of distractions, allowing you to have greater confidence in your ability, as well as, create a more focused environment for studying.
5. Set goals!
When studying it may seem like you have to get everything done all at once, but this is not the case. It is super important to set reasonable goals so that you can study efficiently, without stressing yourself out.