6 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise
Courtesy of The Huffington Post
May 16, 2016
Have you ever found yourself wanting to fit in a healthy lifestyle, but were held back by your complicated and overwhelming schedule? Although you may not have SIX arms like the lady in the picture above, I can give you SIX tips to help you fit in extra time to strengthen those muscles and workout!
1. Make a schedule you CAN commit to
If you make a schedule that utilizes every single eating break, bathroom break, and relaxing break, then it is certain that you will be too exhausted to do the other activities you had in mind. You don’t have to workout every single minute of the day in order to be healthy. Be kind to yourself and make sure you can do what is best for you!
2. Make a workout you will ENJOY
Forcing yourself to do 100 pushups when you know you highly dislike pushups will decrease your motivation to exercise more. Try finding some workouts that are equally beneficial and fun. If you like to run, then maybe make your workout routine will be primarily based on running with some other drills you don’t mind doing in-between.
3. Set your clock EARLY
I don’t know about you, but whenever I used to try to wake up early, I would always hit that snooze button and forget to get up. In order to fix this problem, I set my alarm clock a few minutes (sometimes even an hour ) earlier in order to trick myself into waking up early. By doing this, I have not only gotten into the habit of fitting time before school to exercise, but I also run from my bedroom to the bathroom faster too!
Maybe you just had a super overwhelming day and your brain is too completely worn out to remember the workouts you planned to do later. No worries! Let your brain relax and create your schedule in a notebook planner or on your laptop (iCal is pretty good ). Now, you not only have a workout schedule, but you can also see other activities you have and plan a working schedule.
5. Use that EXTRA time
If you know that you will be doing nothing for the rest of the day after you have finished all of your other plans, try fitting in some extra workout time. However, you should always take small breaks in between your super busy schedule and your exercise time because you don’t want to tire yourself out. Make a healthy balance of exercise and relaxing time when you have some free time to squeeze into that schedule!
Always stay positive, no matter what. Do not be harsh on yourself if some of your other plans extended into your workout time. Just continue following your routine and keep going. Life is not perfect, but if you keep trying then your outcome will surface. You can do it! I believe in you! Good luck!