Easy Exercises

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Gabriella Scothon ‘20, Staff Writer

Trust me – after getting off the bus, the idea of exercising sounds much less exciting to me than the idea of laying on my bed. But working out is just as important as we have constantly been told. Exercise can improve your energy level and your general quality of life. And, thankfully, it can be easier than we think!

Here are five exercises that you can do without any equipment! All you need is some floor space, sneakers and about 20-30 minutes:

Squats – You begin by placing your feet shoulder width apart and then begin to squat down keeping your back straight and your chest and shoulders up. Always look straight ahead and make sure that you are keeping your knees in line with your feet. Do 20-30 reps.

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Sit-ups – Begin by sitting down and having your knees bent, your feet flat on the ground and then place your hands across your chest or behind your head. To sit-up, lift your head first, then shoulders, and then torso. Use your abdominal muscles to sit-up as if you are trying to draw your abs into your belly button. Then, slowly release back down. Continue doing this for 15-20 reps.

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Push-ups – Once you are laying on the ground, make your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be spread apart at a distance that is comfortable for you. To help keep your body level think of your back as being a flat board or tabletop. Then, keeping your head horizontal to the ground, lower yourself. Try not to arch your back! Also, remember to keep your body in a straight line. Bend your arms, but make sure to keep your arms straight when you rise back up again. 15-20 reps.

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Burpees – Begin by jumping in the air; once you have landed, place your hands firmly on the ground and jump both of your legs back so you are now in a push-up position, then do a push-up. Step your legs back up, stand up and then jump. Continue these steps for 10 -15 reps.

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20

Planks – Begin in a push-up position with either your forearms on the ground or your hands on the ground. Once again, you are going to imagine your back as a long, flat board. Make sure your butt is not sticking in the air and that your torso is not arching. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Courtesy of Gabriella Scothon ‘20