Spring Cleaning for the Soul
March 15, 2021
Following the harsh days of winter, spring emerges in a cheerful celebration of rejuvenation. A time of change, growth and awareness, spring inspires us to release what has become mundane and overworked in attempts to live with a greater sense of purpose. Naturally, with spring cleaning, we are encouraged to clear out our homes and physically clean our belongings, but we are here to show you the best ways to maximize spring cleaning that will benefit the mind and body.
Meditation is one of the most relaxing activities that truly benefits your mind and heart. With consistent meditation, it can help alleviate stress and anxiety (which are feelings all of us students know quite well), aid in your development to better understand yourself and how you relate to those around you, increase your emotional intelligence, and improve sleep. There are so many varieties of meditation that you can find on youtube geared towards the goals you aspire to accomplish. One of my favorite videos helps feelings of stress and anxiety.
Journaling is a fantastic way to rant about your day and let go of all the negative energy that surrounds you. Journaling can help control your feelings and improve your mood by aiding your fears and concerns while also prioritizing what you need to work on. Tracking your emotions day-to-day can help you recognize triggers and learn methods to better control them.
Set goals for yourself
Especially during virtual learning, setting goals for yourself will help you to stay focused and reduce procrastination. Whether that goal is going for a walk or finishing a book or finishing those math problems, it helps to look at what you want to accomplish and then draw a line through the task that you completed. According to Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. (Forbes.com)
Try your best to read a leisure book of your choice for thirty minutes each day. Multiple studies have found that 30 minutes of reading lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and stress. Screen time during the pandemic has increased for everyone, and it is important to let your eyes and brain rest from all of the blue light that constantly bombards you. If you need any book recommendations, check out Stephanie Sowa’s book recommendations for spring break.
Physical activity is always a great mental reset, especially on a bad day. Even if it’s a walk around the neighborhood with your dog, going to a pilates class, sports practice or simply working out at home, it’s a great way to release stress, motivate your day, and alleviate anxiety. Youtube has incredible workout videos to follow and they range from beginner to advanced exercising techniques. Chloe Ting is one of our favorite trainers to workout with.
Eating healthy
Fueling your body with the right foods is very important. Maybe you find it hard to eat healthfully because you’re always in a rush or don’t know the proper food to eat. Well, here are some healthful recipes you can make easily in your own home.
Get into good habits/drop a bad habit
Everyone struggles with bad habits, and they are definitely difficult to let go of; however, there are many ways to change those habits into good ones. Firstly, surround yourself with people who live the way you want to live. It’s very important to have someone who can hold you accountable, and be a constant reminder to you of what you’re working towards. Secondly, it is important to create a routine. By starting off small, you can build up to your goal, and before you know it, you’ll already have a huge change in your life.
Pick up a new hobby
It’s always a good idea to start a project or activity that you’ve always wanted to, but, perhaps, never had time for. This could make you realize that whatever new hobby you choose is a newfound talent or brings you happiness. Try baking new recipes, creating different crafts, or even a new sport.