A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

A Marymount High School student publication

The Anchor

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Benefits of a Phone Detox

In today’s world, everything surrounds technology. Between keeping up with school, friends, and maybe even work, we constantly look at a screen. Whether it be responding to a text, replying to emails, or just scrolling through endless videos, the human race has a digital addiction. While many aspects of technology have been endlessly helpful for humans, sometimes we also need a break. That is where a phone detox can be helpful. 


What is phone detox? It is a period when one voluntarily refrains from using screens. A phone detox could just mean agreeing to limit your screen time to a lower amount than usual, and it doesn’t have to be a complete absence from technology. However, even short breaks can be extremely helpful. 

A phone detox can be helpful for three main reasons. It can reduce stress, provide more time to do the things you love, and lastly improve your focus. Something as little as giving up your phone can enhance every part of your life! 

A group of friends enjoying time with each other.

First, detoxing from your phone can reduce a lot of the stress you feel during the day. Many things you see online can be stressful, even without knowing it. The news, social media, and constant notifications can all be sources of stress. Additionally, studies have shown that blue light that reflects off of phones severely decreases melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone that helps humans sleep, so decreasing it can lead to many sleeping issues, creating more stress. 

Second, on average, humans spend 4.8 hours on their phones per day. By detoxing and freeing up almost 2.5 hours, you can find a newfound leisure time to spend on fun activities throughout the day. With this time now free, take up a new hobby, spend time with a friend, or learn a new instrument!

A teenager practicing her piano skills during leisure time.

Lastly, studies have shown that the constant use of a smartphone decreases people’s ability to concentrate. The constant supply of information and videos provides something to look at or do at all times. When tasked with one thing at a time, people have a much harder time focusing. By detoxing from your phone, you can improve your ability to concentrate, which will increase your productivity as well. 

Overall, a phone detox can be extremely beneficial, even if it isn’t a complete technology restriction. Limiting your technology use to something that works for you can be so helpful and improve your daily life in many ways.