In Brisbane, Australia, thousands of sheep and cattle were stranded off the coast of Western Australia. After authorities ordered the ship transporting live cargo to return back to Australia, it is speculated that it turned around due to fears that it could be targeted by Houthi rebels in the Red Sea.
This is very concerning considering the steaming heat in Australia and the amount of livestock on the ship.
These sheep and cattle have been on the ship for a minimum of 26 days. The temperature in Australia is starting to reach temperatures as high as 105 degrees Fahrenheit which is not safe for the animals. It adds even more pressure on the Australian government to decide whether the ship should leave or offload the livestock. If the animals have gotten bigger or fatter over the trip, they would be offloaded since they take up too much space. Any animals that are taken off the boat would be placed into quarantine and then re-exported or killed.
Two independent veterinarians inspected the livestock and found no problems with the animal’s health or welfare issues. It’s almost impossible to get a thorough examination of all the animals while still on the ship. Since this incident, the Australian government has pledged to end the act of transporting live sheep but still has yet to give a time for when this will happen.
Candice Courtney McFadyen • Mar 16, 2024 at 2:55 am
Interesting article. Complex and thought provoking. Thank you 🙏🏼🌻