Climate Change: What Can You Do?
March 9, 2020
“In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.” -David Suzuki
Climate change has been a subject of intense debate for the past decade, though it is a predictable result of harmful human activity for the past 50 years. Wasteful habits, unsustainable practices, and the emission of CO2 by large corporations contribute to the declining health of our planet. Though climate change seems like an issue that is out of the general public’s hands, together, we can make a difference, one small step at a time.
To generate electricity, most power plants burn fossil fuels, which increase CO2 emissions. Becoming energy-efficient can reduce the amount that you pollute. Some ways of becoming energy-efficient include simple, inexpensive options, such as changing to energy-efficient lightbulbs (CFLs use only 25% of electricity while lasting 10 times longer than incandescent light bulbs), unplugging electronics when you do not use them, and using dryer balls when drying your clothes, if you can’t hang-dry them. Additionally, you can save energy by sparing your use of lights by using the natural light. Energy-efficiency is not only good for saving our only home, the earth, but also for saving costs.
Even changing the way we eat creates a greener environment. Three simple actions that help the climate are eating more meat-free meals, buying organic and local products, and not wasting food. If possible, growing your own food is an added benefit. Animal agriculture causes greenhouse gas emissions and causes pollution. Buying organic and local products will reduce your carbon footprint.
Changing your commute can also help the environment. Walk and bike more to closer locations, instead of taking a car. If you must take a vehicle, carpooling can help reduce carbon emissions.
Lastly, get active! Spreading awareness about these concerns, such as starting a climate conversation in your community, will get more and more people involved with helping the planet. Signing petitions can also give you power to encourage your community to make a change. Additionally, voting is a given for making changes.
Though you may believe that these small actions won’t make much of a difference, small changes add up and they do matter. We can all take a step in the right direction with these steps to help our dying planet.