Rise of Omicron and its Effects on Marymount’s Community
March 15, 2022
On December 1st, 2021, the first case of Omicron was reported in the United States, increasing the fear towards Coronavirus once again since March 2020, when the first Covid case in the United States was reported. Although Marymount has been taking many precautions since the start of the school year, the school has increased its precautions to protect the community from catching Covid. Since a lot of students traveled out of the state or the country during Christmas break, Marymount decided to begin the school year using asynchronous work and mandatory Covid testing before returning to in person learning. This made many students and teachers feel safer from catching the virus from vacationing.
In addition, Marymount ASB has decided to change the date of its formal dance from February 12th to March 12th, a month later. Even though some students felt annoyed that, along with not having a Halloween dance, we also pushed the winter formal, it was probably in the community’s best interest. Students and faculty are also required to Covid tests every Monday and Thursday now. This is beneficial to our community because with many school events that involve a lot of people like performing arts and sports games and practices, students are constantly interacting with other people in the age of covid where social distancing is necessary.
Many schools are lifting their mask mandates, making the decision about whether or not to wear a mask up to the student. If Marymount mirrors these other schools, I know that myself, along with other members of the community will continue to wear our masks.