The Problem with the “Perfect Skin” Mentality: Does the obsession with perfect skin have negative impacts on mental health?
May 17, 2023
What even is the “perfect skin” mentality? It is the unrealistic idea of having flawless, smooth, wrinkle-free, and glowing skin. But let’s face it, absolutely no one has this kind of skin! While it would be fantastic to have perfect skin, it is also very expensive. The concept of perfect skin is not a universal thing and is different for each person. Social media wants everyone to have the same idea of what perfect skin looks like, which causes people to waste their money on products recommended to them and spend all day thinking that their own skin looks awful. I don’t want to live my life like this!

The obsession with clear glowing skin can leave people feeling upset because they aren’t achieving the same look with the same products. The reality is that lighting and editing play a big part, but they just don’t show you. There should be no reason to beat yourself up over skin that’s probably not real. Before you go on a skincare spree to “fix” your face YOU need to realize what you are fixing and why you’re fixing it. Rather than obsessing over other people’s skin, help yourself by loving your skin first. Even though my skin isn’t perfect, I learned to love it, and besides it keeps my blood inside my body. In my opinion skin care should be self-love, even if sometimes I pick my face.
In conclusion, I do think that obsessing over “perfect skin” can have negative effects on mental health. If you see every flaw on your skin and want to fix it, will you still be the same perfect person you are? Guess what! Most people don’t even care to look that close. Instead of obsessing over the small imperfections in life such as your skin, enjoy the fact that you are an able person with all the opportunities in the world. I am absolutely not saying to ignore your feelings, but maybe the next time you feel insecure think about what you are able to do.
If you are looking for HEALTHY SKIN (not perfect), here are some tips:

- Use sunscreen to protect against UV rays
- Get a fair amount of sleep
- Wash your hand before you pop pimples and clean your face afterward
- Find an outlet for stress
- Moisturize
- Learn how to care for your acne
- Don’t compare your skin!
Works Cited
Collaborator, Archetype Themes. “How to Get Clear Skin Fast: 15 Tips for All Skin Types.” Derm to Door, 25 Aug. 2020,
Pasola, Kate. “9 Times Celebrities Showed Their Real Skin Texture.” Cosmopolitan, 6 Apr. 2023,
“What Is Healthy Skin – Blume Redefines Perfect Skin.” Blume,