1.The Halloween corsets were overdone
In the past 2 years, many Halloween costume has been finished off with a corset. Animals, princesses, movie characters, and so many more costumes. The life and unique quality of each costume is sucked out when this default item is put on. Although these corsets aren’t harsh on the eyes, they have been associated with every costume recently.
2. Chai is a better fall drink than pumpkin spice
Every year when the fall season comes, everyone is always excited for the pumpkin spice items. However, the true flavor that carries the fall season is chai. Chai is a year-round drink that rises in popularity during the fall and winter seasons. Its simplicity and versatility make it a unique drink that can be enjoyable for many people. Rather than having the overly sweet, sickening taste of pumpkin, chai can be a drink perfect for the fall season.

3.Thanksgiving food is not that good
Thanksgiving is a well loved holiday by many. Yet Thanksgiving being a food holiday is somewhat ironic. Looking at the options at a Thanksgiving table is very questionable. A turkey, cranberry jam, and a random jumble of foods shoved together in a beige mush. A normal day’s dinner and even other non-food-based holidays have better food options than Thanksgiving dinner.
4. Gracie Abrams is overrated
Many new artists have risen to popularity in these past few years, one of them being Gracie Abrams. Some of her songs even went onto the Billboard 100, although is her music that good? Her music style is rather basic and mixed with her simple vocals, it creates songs that are merely boring. To be a new artist, something about you has to stick out, such as Charli XCX’s unique album Brat with interesting instrumentals and an overall feeling of boldness, which is what Gracie lacks.

5. The new DTI updates were not good
Dress To Impress used to be a simple and fun game based on fashion. However, throughout the various updates, the game has nearly lost sight of what it is. The VIP updates and the limited amount of new items were okay, though there were many more issues. The constant map changes, trolls, and Lana lore have changed the game immensely and have made it feel less fun and fashion-based.
6. Olipops are the best new sodas
There have been a plethora of new drinks and sodas recently, though the one that takes the cake has to be Olipops. Even with the constant competition between Olipops and Poppis, the difference is truly clear. The large number of flavors that don’t just taste like fruit essence and stevia is what really makes Olipops the best new soda.
7. Jaguar/cheetah print is becoming the new cow print
The 2020 default was anything cow print and this animal print idea came back this year. Jaguar print is put onto every clothing website and store shoving new items daily to consumers. This year’s new costume of a cheetah was used by so many people and jaguar tops are just parts of a staple outfit. The prints are both cute, but the denial of people saying it’s overused and that it won’t burn out like other fast fashion is not quite as cute.
8. Halloween is way too stressful
Halloween is way too stressful because of the intense pressure to find the perfect costume, which often leads to last-minute shopping and frantic crafting. Additionally, the expectation to host or attend multiple parties creates anxiety about socializing and managing time effectively. Lastly, the burden of decorations, candy, and events can add up quickly, overall turning a fun holiday into a source of stress.
9. Every Halloween/Horror movie has been overused
Every fall, people make and go to new Halloween movies. These cliche movies all have the same main characters with questionable logic and worn-out villains. The plot of each of these movies has been used too many times, and it’s just time to begin using a different genre of movies during the Halloween season.

10. The original Uggs are the best ones
The original Uggs are the best because they are both fashionable and have many opportunities to be worn. Their classic design and versatility make them a stylish choice for various outfits, whether you’re at home or out and about. Additionally, these Uggs also have a more classic and cute look than the more recent counterparts.