Photo Exhibit: Covid-19 Through a Lens

White Flags are posted outside of the D.C. Armory to commemorate Americans who have died due to COVID-19 (Time Magazine).

The Introduction of COVID-19

In the early days of March 2020, the world faced a defying power. Unknown to man, the world shut down. Streets were empty, the wind whistled through cities, the air was silenced by the loss of people who used to converse with strangers. Every town was seemingly smaller, and the hours of the day, seemingly longer. Society fell into the strange abyss of what we know as the Covid-19 pandemic. Seven months later, the public remains in a state of uncertainty and anxiousness for how life used to be, and the simplistic beauty it carried along with it. 

Marc Riboud, a famous French photographer once said, “Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second.” Photographs are a way for society to look back on the world, and reflect on the times we had, times we shared, and the times we cared. Through these photos, we are brought solace in what we have gone through, projecting the endurance of the human soul and what we are capable of. So, with photos, comes a mirror into our hearts, and the hardships and hopes we maintain during this unprecedented time. Click through the gallery below to view these past few months through the eyes of photographers.