On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action in the higher education system, affirming the practice of excluding race from the college admissions process. Many colleges evaluated applicants’ race before affirmative action rulings to promote diversity, address historical inequalities, and promote diverse learning environments. Affirmative action rulings have prompted colleges across the United States to adjust their admissions process and seek new ways to promote inclusivity in higher education.
Ivy League University Yale released a statement on September 7, 2023, stating: “Our priorities today remain unchanged from June: fully complying with the law, continuing to support a diverse and inclusive community, and maintaining a world-class admissions process that considers each applicant as an individual. We are confident we can preserve these priorities going forward.”

The president of Dartmouth University, on June 29, 2023, stated: “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court significantly limited how colleges and universities may consider race in their admissions policies and practices. First, I want to be absolutely clear: This decision in no way changes Dartmouth’s fundamental commitment to building a diverse and welcoming community of faculty, students, and staff, as articulated in our institutional values.”
A letter from the Office of Public Affairs of the University of Michigan stated: “Although the U-M is not directly affected by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to significantly narrow how race can be considered in admissions policies, we are deeply disheartened by the court’s ruling. We remain firmly convinced that racial diversity is one of the many important components of a broadly diverse student body and an intellectually and culturally rich campus community. We believe racial diversity benefits the exchange and development of ideas by increasing students’ variety of perspectives, promoting cross-racial understanding and dispelling racial stereotypes. It helps prepare students to be leaders in a global marketplace and increasingly multicultural society. This belief is supported by a robust body of social science and educational research evidence.”

While reactions from universities have varied, many have stated that their commitments to promoting diverse environments have remained unchanged. However, affirmative action rulings seem to be unpopular among university students in the United States, with protests occurring on numerous college campuses, including Boston University, Harvard University, and the University of North Carolina, among others.