How to Make This Semester Better Than the Last

Courtesy of YouTube

Courtesy of YouTube

Gwyneth Leung '19, Staff Writer

For those who seek study tips and hacks to a better semester…  keep reading. There are many ways to improve your study habits and thereby improve your grades. Here are some that I’ve found especially helpful!

  1. The first tip is to empty out all of the papers and old assignments from the previous semester that you won’t need for second semester. This will leave room for new assignments and keep you more organized.
  2. It is always helpful to have a nice and clean environment while you study. Candles, incense, and aromatherapy are effective ways to create a healthy environment, so that you can stay focused!
  3. If you have trouble remembering to bring certain things to school in the morning, one tip is to pack everything the night before and leave it right by the door. By using this fool-proof method, you won’t be able to leave the house without everything you need.
  4. A way to improve your overall health is to get more sleep. I know this tip may seem like it’s overrated because we constantly have piles upon piles of homework; however, the more sleep you get, the more awake and focused you’ll be in class.
  5. If you have trouble falling asleep early try turning off all electronics an hour before you got to bed.
  6. An alternative method to help you wake up early is to set your alarm and then place it far away from your bed. This way, you have to wake up in order to turn off the annoying sound.
  7. My last tip to improve your second semester is an app called “Grades 3.” It allows you to log how much homework assignments, tests, and projects are worth in your class. Then, it tells you what grades you need to achieve on each assignment in order to receive the grade you want in that class.

Link to app: