Summer Travel Experience from a Marymount Senior


Courtesy of Andrea Crummy ’19

Stephanie Sowa '21, Athletics Section Editor

Andrea Crummy, an outstanding senior of the Marymount community, traveled around the world during this summer. Andrea is a perceptive individual who looks at the world with an open mind and heart. Andrea has enjoyed every second at Marymount, yet she is beyond ecstatic to begin her final year of high school. Andrea is excited about the college process, yet I wanted to hear about her last summer with her family. As a senior, she wanted to enjoy every second of Summer 2018, and I can assure you it was a fabulous one.

She explored the United States but also ventured beyond into Europe. Of course, Andrea did some routine college visit trips, but then she was ready for thrilling escapades. First, Andrea traveled to Croatia where she absorbed the Croatian sun and immersed herself in their culture. Shortly after Croatia, Andrea and her family-friends traveled to Italy for a short two-day adventure. Andrea described Italy as, “complete bliss with an endless supply of food!” She is fascinated with humanity and is interested in human relationships, especially in different parts of the world. Whenever Andrea travels, she becomes extremely excited and focuses on every little detail. I asked Andrea for three words that specifically came to mind when recalling her trip and these were her words, “beautiful, magnificent, and boisterous.” Her favorite part of the trip was tasting the mouth-watering food and being surround by her loved ones, nothing could bring her down! Once back from Europe, Andrea and her family set out for Wyoming. Andrea did not know what to expect, but she was open to whatever experience may come her way.

The trip she went on with her family is called a backroads trip. Every day, they did a new activity: they hiked, river-rafted, kayaked, paddle-boarded, biked, rode horses, visited museums, explored geysers and moved to new hotels. Something unique about the trip was that Andrea was able to disconnect. She explained, “You could really only get service on top of a mountain, so when we’d hike my phone would suddenly light up with notifications in the middle of nowhere, but I wasn’t able to respond.” Her favorite part about disconnecting was becoming more social with individuals around her and allowed her to make some really special friendships that she has maintained to this day. Being able to remove herself from social media made her aware of how reliant she is on her phone. She felt the trip was a bonding experience between family and friends due to the strenuous, yet stimulating activities for a week. Comparing Wyoming to California, Andrea described, “Wyoming was beautiful and there were bright, green colors and nature everywhere. I fell in love with the environment there, including the rain!” The best part of Wyoming for Andrea was meeting new people and experience a completely different climate in the United States. She was thrilled to build new relationships and have the opportunity to surround herself with nature since that does not always happen in Los Angeles.

Overall, Andrea is grateful for all the experiences she had this summer and she is looking forward to sharing her experience with her fellow sailors through this article. Andrea has a new perspective towards life after her travels and is excited for what the future holds. Although she is graduating this year, we will miss her insight dearly and cannot wait to see where else the world takes her!