How to Register to Vote & to Cast an Informed Vote
March 9, 2020
As Marymount students, as educated women, as California residents, as citizens of the United States of America, we must voice our opinions and initiate change. The only way true reformation will transpire in our nation is through our votes. Every vote counts and every vote serves as a symbol of our freedom, our liberty, and our democracy.
Registering to vote takes no time. Follow the steps below to register or pre-register (if 16 or 17)!
How to register to VOTE:
- Visit
- Choose ‘California’
- If you are 18, click “Register to Vote Now”
If 16 or older, click “Pre-Register to Vote”
4. Answer a series of questions that pertain to your citizenship & personal information such as legal name, age, address, and party preference. You may re-register to vote at
- American Independent Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Independent party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Democratic Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Democratic party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Green Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Green party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Libertarian Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Libertarian party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Peace and Freedom Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Peace and Freedom Party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Republican Party // you can only vote for the candidate of the Republican party in your state primary. If you want to choose another candidate, you may re-register to vote.
- Other Party
- No Party Preference // you may not always be allowed to vote for a candidate of the American Independent, Democratic, or Libertarian party in a primary for a U.S. Presidential election.
5. Additional Information is presented – whether or not you want to volunteer on voting day, if you want your ballot by mail, etc..
6. You also must give your consent that you are the following:
- I am a U.S. citizen and a resident of California and at least 16 years old.
- I am not currently in a state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony.
- I am not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court.
- I understand that it is a crime to intentionally provide incorrect information on this form.
- The information on this form is true and correct.
The most important aspect of voting is making an informed decision that you truly believe in. To commence your educational journey or to add to it, below lists the basic platforms of the political parties you may register as. Of course, every person in every party is different. To conduct more research (and please do before casting a vote,) please visit the websites of each party.
What do each of the parties stand for?
American Independent Party: Far-right conservative, not the same as being an ‘Independent.’ With a foundation in God-given rights, duties, and gifts, the American Independent Party is extremely pro-Constitution, believes that family serves at the heart of all American principles, is pro-Second Amendment, Pro-Life, opposes illegal immigration, and is against any form of a liberal government.
Democratic Party: With a foundation in civil rights, or the equality of all sexes, races, ethnicities, languages, gender identities, ages, or disabilities, the Democratic Party advocates for increased access to education, through financial aid, a commitment to helping the environment and to curb climate change, preservation of the Affordable Care Act, comprehensive immigration reform, protecting Social Security, helping Americans save for retirement, and granting all the right to vote.
Green Party: An Independent political party in association with many social movements. The Four Pillars of this party include: “Peace and Nonviolence, Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, and Social Justice.” The Green Party most commonly works alongside the Democratic Party.
Libertarian Party: (Third most popular political party aside from the Republican and Democratic Parties). The Libertarian Party opposes any government interference (non-interventionism,) advocates for civil liberties and laissez-faire capitalism. Economically, this party believes in lowering taxes, eradicating the IRS, eliminating the welfare state, and allowing citizens to opt-out of Social Security. Socially, the party supports same-sex marriage, ending capital punishment, and gun ownership rights.
Peace and Freedom Party: This party supports socialism, labor, and full employment, peace, civil rights, feminism, environmental initiatives, the development of transportation, agriculture, science and technology, art and culture, universal healthcare, the cancellation of debts, religious tolerance, and internet freedom.
Republican Party: Economically, Republicans believe in a global open market, lawful gun ownership, God-given rights, the development of energy forms that support the free economy without subsidies, secure borders to end illegal immigration, the removal of the Affordable Care Act, lower taxes, increased military spending, Pro-Life initiatives, and the deregulation of labor unions.
Speak your truth, voice your opinions, stand by what you believe in, and VOTE.