Goals for Summer

Gabby Scothon ‘20, Staff Writer

Courtesy of Brittany Bly

In this crazy time, a fun activity to do is to create a summer bucket list or goals for the summer list. Summer is a time for fun and a time to relax but it can also be a time to better yourself. 


  1. Live a healthy lifestyle- Being healthy is a relative term that is different for everyone but the basic building blocks include making sure your body and brain are happy. Whether that be working out and eating healthy or spending more time with loved ones. Do something that helps balance your life. 
Courtesy of The Fabulous Self-Care Account


  1. Go on a fun adventure with friends- Summer is a time where you have none to very little school work. Therefore, take the time to make those everlasting memories with your friends. Maybe it’s going on a road trip with friends or just getting a bunch of your friends together and having a beach day. Do something that you will remember forever.  


  1. Mentally challenge yourself- During the school year you are constantly doing work and learning but during summer you can still learn new things in a different way. Read a new book, learn a musical instrument, or work on your artistic skills. No matter what you do, do something that mentally challenges you and gets you away from your phone or computer. 


  1. Declutter your life- Take time to get rid of the items in your life that do not bring you joy or that you don’t use anymore. Summer can be a great time to plan for the future by setting yourself for a 


successful future. DECLUTTER! Get rid of things that you haven’t used in a while or that brings you no excitement. This can calm your anxiety and prepare you for what is going to come. By: Iva Livingston on her declutter your home in 30 days challenge


  1. Reconnect with old friends- With the vast amount of free time you have when you are on summer break, reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Reforming old bonds can help you bring back memories you have missed and created new ones that you will always cherish. 
Courtesy of Iva Livingston and her “declutter your home in 30 days” challenge