In this poll, we asked teachers and faculty what their favorite things to do over break are!
First, we asked what their favorite Christmas drink was!
Next, we asked what their favorite activity was.
Lastly, we asked them what their favorite thing about Winter break was overall! Here are their responses:

Ms. Nat: Hopefully, traveling somewhere cold to experience a white Christmas!
Ms. Britton: Getting to spend more time with my family and friends!
Mr. Beckner: My favorite part is traveling.
Mr. Watson: Naps!
Mr. Wang: Getting a little time off of work and being able to do some of the things I don’t have time for during the school year like building Legos, playing music, or reading.
Mrs. Brady: Having time to travel and be with family!
Dr. Bray-Kress: I love sleeping in! I also love the tradition of reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas” to my kids on Christmas Eve, which is what my parents did with my sister and I when we were little!

I hope you enjoyed this article and it gave you some ideas about fun activities to do over break! If you would like to participate in this poll for fun, feel free to click on this link! Happy Holidays!