So You’re Single on Valentine’s Day…


Courtesy of the Odyssey Online

Chloe Hassenfratz ’16, Staff Writer

…it is not the end of the world. Calm down.

First, Valentine’s Day festivities started out as some weird Pagan festival that ended in marriage. It is just a normal day, injected with love steroids that makes you feel the need to seek out a companion months before in order to celebrate. But you should give up those devious plots next year and instead do something that will probably be more fun and take a lot less effort.

If you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend, there is still a multitude of other activities you can do. You can still have a great day. For example, this year I flaunted my singleness by going out with friends and dancing the night away.

What people tend to not realize is that for all the millions of people in a relationship on Valentine’s Day, there are millions of single people on Valentine’s Day as well. It’s not very difficult to find a single friend to have a good time with, instead of obsessing over your singleness all day.

For next year, if you find yourself wondering how to celebrate Valentine’s Day as a single lady, look around, realize you are not alone, and have an unforgettable night! You don’t need to be in a relationship in order to enjoy Valentine’s Day.