Getting Out in the World As Covid-19 Restrictions Lift

Lily Share, Section Editor

With Los Angeles County finally in the yellow tier (minimal risk), restrictions are lifting and life is starting to return to normal. As of May 6, restaurants can resume indoor-dining at 50% capacity. Businesses, malls, and museums have also reopened and can now  operate at 75% capacity. California plans to lift most COVID  restrictions June 15 but keep the mask mandate. 

As the vaccine roll-out continues and restrictions lift, people are eager to resume their activities. Since travel restrictions have lifted, hotel bookings have surged. People want to travel as conditions become safer and are eagerly booking vacations. Over five million people traveled through US airports the first weekend of spring break, the most travelers to pass through airport security over a weekend since the start of the pandemic.

Even though almost everyone spent the past months locked up, people have not become antisocial; the numbers show people are excited to go out. Outdoor concerts and sports arenas have reopened and events are being planned for the summer. After Disneyland reopened “Travel advisers around the country said tickets and reservations sold out quickly, and people have been waiting online for hours to get a reservation” (Mzezewa, The New York Times). People are happy life is reopening and are ready to leave their homes again for meals out, vacations, concerts, and getting together with friends and family.